Designer Look For Less,  Home Decor

14 Easy Ways To Revamp Your Bathroom With a Tiny Budget

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Pretty much everyone knows what their dream bathroom would look like, but for most of us, it is not always achievable. However, with just a few simple updates, you can totally transform your bathroom and make it at least a wee bit more luxurious.

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1 – Stencil and paint your floor and shower tiles

Stencil that coolest Moroccan style tile you have seen in the luxury magazines – the tile paints have significantly improved over the years and hold really well nowadays. Not only can you paint the floors, you can totally paint your shower walls too. Mysha from Remington Avenue painted her shower walls and shares her tutorial here. She also stenciled the floor and I personally think she did a fabulous job, see the super cool transformation below.

Source: Remington Avenue

This one on the other hand is by Nina Sainato from @theghostesswiththemostest. These super cool Herringtonbone tiles are not actually tiles at all – they’ve been painted with a Royal Design Studio stencil! Amazing.
Click the right white arrow to see the “before” photos.

Source: Within the Groove

Liz from Within the Groove has gathered an excellent tutorial on how to paint tile floors like she did hers, see the tutorial here.

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2 – Match your towels/Dye them

One way to spot a luxury bathroom is matching towels. If your towels are already pretty old and mismatching color, but can’t afford to buy a new set quite yet, try dying them like Sweet Unwrapping Life did (see below), read more here.

If your towels are still fine but not as soft they used to be, try washing them with a cup of vinegar and then baking soda – you’ll have lovely, soft towels again.

Source: Sweet Unwrapping Life

3 – Get rid of ugly packaging

One of the quickest ways to give the bathroom a luxury touch is to get rid of original toiletries packaging and replace them with soap dispensers, for example. This doesn’t even need to be costly – I bought these pretty glass dispensers below from a Swedish supermarket and only paid 29 kroner ($3) each!

4 – Update your lighting

Nothing quite cheers up the room than new lighting. Even if you don’t change the fixtures, brighter and whiter light bulb already works wonders. Whatever you do, steer away from warm lights in the bathroom.

Source: Apartment Therapy

Absolutely loving this family’s bathroom lights – find similar ones from Ikea here.

5 – Clean your grout

Nothing drags down the whole feel of the bathroom more than dirty grout. Mix some bicarbonate soda and warm water to make a paste, rub on to dirty grout by using a brush or old toothbrush and then spray over with vinegar. Brush again and rinse well and ta-daah, the whole room looks like new again!

6 – Accessorize…

Update your towels, bath mat and your soap dispensers or make your own. Learn how to make this cork mat here or get some DIY soap dispenser inspiration here.

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Source: Handimania
Source: Asda George

7 – … and update your shower curtain

It’s time to get rid of that yellowed shower curtain, now! One way of giving your bathroom a more luxurious vibe is to hang it higher and getting a longer curtain. Some people have even used a normal curtain and then lined it with a plastic shower curtain inside.

For more inspiration, read 11 Insanely Clever Shower Curtain Hacks.

Source: Urban Outfitters

8 – Frame your mirrors

To give your bathroom or a toilet an instant uplift, really consider framing your mirrors if they are not. Read a good tutorial here.

Source: Liz Marie Blog

9 – Add crown molding

Crown molding in a room really is its crown, so (especially if you have an older house as a home) consider adding some molding – it is very cheap to do yourself, but adds sophistication straight away. Read an easy tutorial on how to do it here.

Source: Domino

10 – Make your own soap

For hand crafted luxury, make your own soap. It is surprisingly easy and you can make sure you get the exact smells and colors to fit your bathroom decor.

For example, learn to make these yummy looking watermelon, honeycomb and goat milk soaps.

Source: Kimspired DIY
Source: Your Beauty Blog
Source: Tidbits

11 – Make faux stained glass windows

Stained glass is cool, but even faux stained glass paints tend to be very expensive. Luckily The Whoot came up with an idea to just use some glue and acrylic paints. Fantastic!

Source: The Whoot

12 – Use a normal rug

Don’t feel like you are restricted to use small bath mats! Just make sure the rug won’t soak up too much to prevent mold issues as they dry much slower.

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Source: The Everygirl

13 – Change your toilet lid

If it fits your style, wooden toilet lid instantly gives your toilet more luxurious vibe. Avoid all novelty lids – they are great fun, but you can easily get bored of them and they reduce the luxury effect.

14 – Update your vanity and faucets

Find a vintage cabinet from a flea market and use it as a vanity, or paint the one you already have – especially dark colors, like navy blue, forest green, crimson red, and vintage pink with metallic handles make the whole bathroom look more high end.

An old vanity might easily look like new also just by changing the hardware. Change the faucet or read a tutorial on how to paint it instead.

Source: Abbots at Home
Source: Living Letter Home

This fantastic makeover from Living Letter Home shows how much paint and new handles do. They also covered the top on contact paper. Perfect budget makeover even though it certainly doesn’t look like it! Read more here.

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